Semester Writing Reflection

2 min readDec 7, 2022

As the last blog of the semester is finally here, we are asked to reflect on our writing development in general and how we have developed as public relations writers. I can confidently say that I have never put so much strategy into my writing before and that I have never relied on so many peers to review my work. However, both of these new techniques have paid off, and I believe they have created a stronger writer who is no longer daunted by future writing requirements.

The idea of practicing peer reviews and asking others to read over my work is no longer something that makes me nervous or embarrassed. Now, I see this as an essential component to the writing process that makes each work better and takes into account more beneficial suggestions. I also have learned that the peer review exchange process has helped me learn AP format and grammar more effectively than other methods I have used in the past. In this way, I collect information and research answers to confusion related to AP style to help my peers work while also helping me become more educated on the rules.

Along with these understandings, I have also learned the importance of accurate formatting and professional branding that are compatible with public relations writing components. Consider the writing as an opportunity to demonstrate the professionalism of the brand and/or client while also conveying key messages.

Through these teachings and practices, I have become a more confident writer who is looking forward to the continuation of these teachings in PR Writing 2.

